We are excited to be working with Plymouth Housing! Here are the places we are providing CARE-19 Packages.

Due to generosity from donations we are able to expand to more Plymouth Housing Apartments!


Langdon & Anne Simmons Senior Apartments

Operated by Plymouth Housing it provides supportive housing for more than 90 formerly homeless senior citizens and veterans. Supportive services provided at the Simons Apartments includes assistance with economic and health issues, including an on-site nurse. We delivered 98 CARE-19 Packages on Wednesday April 18, 2020.


Scargo & Lewiston Apartments

The Scargo and The Lewiston Apartments are both run by Plymouth housing and located in Belltown. The buildings are connected and house 96 residents in total. We Delivered 98 CARE-19 Packages on Wednesday May 6, 2020.