“Today my patient almost came to tears when I handed him the CARE-19 backpack of items. He was so grateful. A 55-year old man facing homelessness, has a lot of medical conditions, this stuff really does help. He wanted to say “thank you!” to the donors.”
“You guys rock!! These boxes are really great, and the tenants were so pleased to receive them......Just knowing that somebody cares enough to think about them puts a smile on their faces that I wish you could see. Keep up the great work, you’re making an impact!””
Plymouth Housing Case Manager
“We just finished passing out the wonderful care packages that you delivered to Simons. The tenants were very excited about getting something new…….they told us how touched they are that you took the time and effort to put together such a thoughtful package.”
“Things like this care 19 box remind us of how compassionate and industrious human beings can be. These acts will see us thru. Know that every effort you made was sincerely appreciated.
My sister is far away in Seattle and it’s good to know people are looking out for her.”
Plymouth Housing resident
“Thank you for taking the time and resources to make my day!”
“Thank you very much. Now I have a styling face mask. I assure you that none of this is going to waste. Your parents must have raised you right!”
Plymouth Building Manager
“At a time when people are hoarding toilet paper or saying the pandemic is a hoax it is reassuring that there are people in the world looking out for people in the world who are less fortunate and looking at ways they can give opposed to take. Please keep up the great work!”